Prayer of Thanksgiving

Prayer of Thanksgiving

A Prayer of Thanksgiving, by Msgr. Gerard Fahey

For Creating us, we thank you Lord

For Redeeming us, we thank you Lord

For Loving us, we thank you Lord

For Calling us by name, we thank you Lord

For our Baptism, we thank you Lord

For our Faith, we thank you Lord

For our Holy Communion, we thank you Lord

For the Gift we are to each other, we thank you Lord

For our Families, we thank you Lord

For the Children in our lives, we thank you Lord

For the sound of Laughter, we thank you Lord

For the beauty of Song, we thank you Lord

For the magnificence of our Surroundings, we thank you Lord

For the Air we breathe, we thank you Lord

For the Water we drink, we thank you Lord

For the Health we enjoy, we thank you Lord

For Sunshine and Rain, we thank you Lord

For changing Seasons, we thank you Lord

For our own Resurrection, we thank you Lord

For all our Benefactors, we thank you Lord

For our Parents, living and dead, we thank you Lord

For all your Gifts, we thank you Lord

Monsignor Fahey